Tuesday, February 18, 2014 
Minister Moreno receives members of the U.S. House Committee on Armed Services
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This morning, Foreign Minister Alfredo Moreno held a working meeting with members of the Armed Services Committee of the United States House of Representatives, led by its Chairman, Rep. Howard McKeon.

The delegation was also composed by members of Congress Austin Scott, Doug Lamborn, Vicky Hartzler and Carol Shea-Porter, who are on a visit to Chile as part of a working tour that also includes Brazil, Colombia and Panama. The purpose of the work trip is to get acquainted with defense and security issues in the region.

During the meeting Minister Moreno and the U.S. Congress members discussed various issues relating to cooperation in defense and security. They also touched on Chile's experience in the police training programs that it carries out in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, coordinated through AGCI, as well as our country's involvement with Haiti within the framework of MINUSTAH.

The core tasks of the Armed Services Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives include overseeing the defense policy of the United States, current military operations, the organization and reform of the Department of Defense and the Department of Energy, anti-drug programs, procurement policy, transfer of technology and export control, interoperability, non-proliferation programs and detainee policy.