Undersecretary Gloria de la Fuente concludes work visit to Africa with meetings with Ethiopian counterpart and Minister of Women and Social Affairs

With an intense agenda in Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia, the Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs, Gloria de la Fuente, culminated her working visit to Africa. The day began with a meeting with the State Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mesganu Arga, and his delegation.
At the meeting, the authorities discussed the most relevant matters of the bilateral relationship, highlighting that in 2025 it will be 80 years since its establishment. In this sense, the Undersecretary pointed out that Chile is interested in strengthening ties and promoting joint actions for the benefit of both countries.
They also discussed Chile's relationship with Africa. In this regard, the Undersecretary expressed interest in promoting and strengthening bilateral and multilateral agendas with strategic partners in the region, focusing on sustainability, inclusive development, the promotion of democracy and the protection of human rights, the fight against climate change, trade and investment promotion.
Regarding cooperation, they highlighted the Nelson Mandela scholarship program for African students to study postgraduate degrees and short courses in Chile. In addition, the national delegation stated that one of the priorities is international cooperation in the area of gender and that several areas of collaboration have been identified with Ethiopia, including the empowerment of women in agriculture.
Afterwards, the Undersecretary held a meeting with the Minister of Women and Social Affairs of Ethiopia, Ergogie Tesfaye, with whom she discussed the Feminist Foreign Policy (FFP) promoted by Chile and committed to exploring initiatives for joint action in this area. Both authorities also participated in a discussion on FFP, with the participation of government and civil society representatives.
The Undersecretary's day culminated with a visit to the African Union, where she met with the Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment, Josefa Correia, with whom she discussed Chile's proposal for Valparaiso to host the Secretariat of the Agreement on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biodiversity beyond National Jurisdictions (BBNJ).
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