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Foreign Affairs Ministry launches candidacy of Lidia Casas to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

Friday, May 19th 2023

In the O'Higgins Hall of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Minister Alberto van Klaveren led the launching ceremony of the candidacy of Dr. Lidia Casas to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights for the period 2024-2027.

The Minister highlighted the relevance of the candidacy, mentioning that with it "we wish to convey and reaffirm once again the importance of the Inter-American Human Rights System for our country, as the promotion and protection of these fundamental rights is one of the pillars of our foreign policy".

For her part, Dr. Casas pointed out during her speech that all people should have the same rights, regardless of their origin, race, disability or sexual orientation, detailing that "my candidacy is one of active listening, of constant promotion of dialogue, of collaboration with States, under the standards of international law and human rights".

It should be pointed out that the nomination of Lidia Casas was made official by the government, following a review of various outstanding professional profiles linked to the subject. In this context, she is a lawyer from the Diego Portales University and holds a PhD in Law from the University of Ottawa, Canada, with a professional career of more than twenty years of teaching related to international human rights law. She has also published several academic publications related to research on violence against women, access to justice and gender, and discrimination.

The event was also attended by Undersecretaries Gloria de la Fuente and Claudia Sanhueza, members of the Diplomatic Corps and Foreign Affairs Ministry and Government authorities.