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Foreign Minister Roberto Ampuero participates in special session of the Foreign Affairs Commission in Arica

Friday, July 13, 2018

Minister Roberto Ampuero arrived in the city of Arica today to participate in the special work session of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, led by the President of the entity, Vlado Mirosevic.

In addition to the members of the Foreign Relations Committee, the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Maya Fernández, and the President of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Ricardo Lagos Weber, will be attending the meeting, along with the senators of the area, José Miguel Insulza and José Durana.

The objective of the meeting is to address issues of interest to the Region of Arica and Parinacota.

After this meeting, Foreign Minister Roberto Ampuero will hold a meeting with women entrepreneurs in the area, particularly with the owners of the production company Mimbre, who receive support from ProChile, which has allowed them to carry out various trade missions to England, the United States and Uruguay, in addition to participating in Enexpro 2017.