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Foreign Minister Muñoz highlights progress on roadmap between Mercosur and the Pacific Alliance during Summit in Brasilia

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Foreign Minister Heraldo Muñoz represented Chile at the LI Summit of Heads of State of Mercosur and Associated States, held today in Brasilia.

During the meeting, the Minister reported on the progress made on the roadmap agreed by both blocs, including trade facilitation, customs cooperation, value chains and the elimination of tariff barriers. At the same time, he gave an account of his work in information exchange, business collaboration and complementarity, as well as the adoption of intraregional trade facilitation measures, such as the implementation of digital certificates of origin.

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"We value everything that unites us and allows us to create common agendas", he said. "We are part of the same region, we have all set out to fight against poverty and inequality; we all yearn for a better and more just future for our peoples and we believe that there is no clearer way forward than working together".

This progress in integration between Mercosur and the Pacific Alliance is part of the policy of "convergence in diversity", a key concept in the relationship with the countries of the region. "Chile has been one of the main driving forces behind this policy. I believe we can move forward in subregional initiatives that can be the building blocks of a larger and more inclusive project of Latin American integration".

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Finally, he informed that he invited the Foreign Ministers to participate in the CELAC-China meeting that will be held in our country on January 21 and 22. The meeting will be attended by all Latin American and Caribbean foreign ministers, and the Foreign Minister of China, the First Vice-Minister of Commerce of China, the First Vice-Minister of Commerce and Industries of China. "A world-class ensemble from China, which will allow a good dialogue with Asia-Pacific in mind".

Bio-oceanic corridor

In the framework of the LI Summit of Heads of State of MERCOSUR and Associated States, the presidents of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay, together with Foreign Minister Heraldo Muñoz, issued a declaration in which they reiterated their commitment to the regional integration process. In this sense, the establishment of a corridor demonstrates how the convergence between the Pacific Alliance and Mercosur can be carried out.

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This corridor will connect, from Puerto Murtinho in Brazil, through Paraguay and Argentina, with northern Chile. "There are already funded projects to pave roads, build bridges, and that's integration, not just between us, but looking at Asia Pacific".

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