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Foreign Minister Ampuero visits Paraguay to make progress on bilateral agenda

Friday, April 20, 2018

On Friday, Foreign Minister Roberto Ampuero made an official visit to Asunción, Paraguay, where he held a meeting with Foreign Minister Eladio Loizaga.

During the meeting, both authorities agreed to promote and advance the broad bilateral agenda. In this regard, they agreed to establish dates for the various consultation mechanisms, such as the Economic and Trade Council, the Political Consultations, the Defense Working Group, and the meeting of the High-Level Commission that seeks to make progress in the operation of the warehouses and free zones of both countries.

Chancellor Ampuero expressed his satisfaction with this meeting, saying that "we were able to show and see that the coincidences between the two countries are enormous, that we have an agenda for the future that we wanted to underline". He added that "relations are excellent, we have the interest and the will to strengthen them, and at the same time the will to accelerate and deepen the integration of our region".

In the same way, he highlighted the project of the Bioceanic Corridor that will go from Brazil to the Ports of the North of Chile, passing through Paraguay. "The Bioceanic Corridor inspires us, it is an expression of closeness and real and concrete integration between Paraguay and Brazil, Argentina and Chile, of linking the Pacific and the Atlantic. It's a very old dream and it's also coming true through realistic projects like the ones we're promoting".

In addition, both ministers agreed to work together to strengthen the rapprochement between the Pacific Alliance and Mercosur.