Joint Statement President of India's visit to Chile

Today, April 1, the President of the Republic of India, His Excellency, Shri Ram Nath Kovind, made an official visit to Chile, at the invitation of His Excellency President of the Republic of Chile, Mr. Sebastian Piñera Echenique, highlighting with his distinguished presence the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Chile and India.
During the visit the two leaders held detailed discussions in a meeting that constitutes a milestone in the historic and friendly relationship, characterized by a broad mutual understanding. After this meeting both Presidents issued this Joint Statement.
After a broad analysis with an historical perspective of the bilateral relationship, both leaders reiterated their commitment to deepen bilateral ties of friendship and cooperation in accordance with International Law and the principles and purposes consecrated in the United Nations Charter, as well as the promotion of democracy, and human rights, further agreeing on the need to strengthen peace both at the regional and international levels and stressing in this context their resolve that peace requires resolute fight against terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.
Terrorism is a global scourge that must be forcefully combated through concerted global action. The two leaders called upon all UN member countries to implement the UNSC Resolution 1267. They also called upon all countries to work towards eliminating terrorist safe havens and infrastructure, disrupting terrorist networks and financing channels. They emphasized the need for stronger international partnership in countering terrorism and extremism, including through increased sharing of information to combat terrorism, also bilaterally. Both leaders expressed the importance of early finalization of Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism (CCIT).
The leaders reaffirmed their commitment to reformed multilateralism and for comprehensive reforms of the UN Security Council, including its expansion in both Permanent and Non-Permanent categories of membership to make it more representative, accountable, transparent, inclusive and effective, reflecting the geopolitical realities of the 21st Century. The Chilean side reiterated its support for India's candidacy for a permanent membership in a reformed and expanded UN Security Council, while reaffirming its support for India's candidacy as non-permanent member for the term 2021 – 2022. On the other hand, India reiterated its endorsement of Chile's candidacy to the same body for the term 2029 – 2030.
The leaders agreed on the importance of multilateralism to realize the 2030 agenda for sustainable development and to combat climate change, highlighting the importance of COP25 to be held in December 2019 in Chile, as an instance to give a new impetus to the agenda of climate cooperation.
Both Heads of State pledged to revitalize ties of bilateral understanding, through the deepening of political and trade relations, and the creation of a renewed cooperation agenda that strengthens the relations between both countries.
Accordingly, both leaders, highlighted the positive effects generated by the entry into force of the Expansion of the PTA (Preferential Trade Agreement), which occurred in May 2017. Along with the substantial increase in bilateral trade.
While acknowledging the efforts made to expand bilateral PTA, the Presidents emphasized the need to continue working on it and exploring new opportunities for expansion of bilateral trade.
Further, they underlined the importance of holding the Second Joint Administration Committee to review the implementation of the Agreement and exploring new opportunities for a broader and more comprehensive agreement.
The leaders agreed in the promotion of the development of international trade, based on the rule of law, sovereign equality of nations to foster economic, inclusive and sustainable development.
The two leaders committed themselves to the vision of Indo-Pacific based on international rules-based order that respects sovereignty and territorial integrity of nations, ensures freedom of navigation and overflight as well as unimpeded lawful commerce, and that seeks peaceful resolution of dispute in accordance with universally recognized principles of international law, notably the UNCLOS.
Emphasizing the importance of strengthening bilateral trade and economic relations, the leaders welcomed regular interaction of the business community from both sides and wished for a fruitful outcome of the Chile-India business forum meeting, held in the margins of the visit.
Both Presidents agreed to open new spaces for cooperation in health and pharmaceutical, mining and minerals, space and ICT, agriculture & solar energy, traditional medicine, social development specifically on disability issues; management of natural disasters, preferably through the exchange of experiences and good practices among the agencies responsible for these matters; education and culture cooperation.
The leaders agreed, in addition, on the need to analyze and update the agreements in force in agriculture, outer space and mining to incorporate the advances in these matters and include areas of cooperation recently developed. To this effect, the concerned agencies are in touch with each other.
In order to favor people -to-people contact, Chile decided to grant tourist visa exemption to Indian citizens holders of a visa from the United States, valid for at least 6 months, a measure that reflects the shared will to facilitate business, tourism, student and academic trips. Indian side underlined that the eVisa facility is already extended to Chilean nationals as also long- term multiple entry visas for business travelers.
Exchanging views on their respective regions, both leaders agreed on the importance of maintaining regular interaction on matters of mutual interest.
The Chilean side shared some insights on the regional integration process in Latin America, as well as the challenges that have to be addressed on this matter.
Furthermore, the leaders stressed that the year 2019 is not only important for the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, but also for the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Mahatma Gandhi and 130 years of the birth of Gabriela Mistral, emblematic personalities of both countries.
In this context, both leaders reiterated their willingness to build on opportunities to promote and expand the bonds of cooperation and understanding that characterize their bilateral relationship.
President Shri Ram Nath Kovind thanked President Sebastián Piñera for warmth and hospitality accorded to him and his delegation during the visit and invited him to pay an official visit to India at a mutually convenient time.
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