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Undersecretary Valdivia heads Committee for Chileans who returned from Venezuela

Thursday, December 6, 2018

The Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs, Carolina Valdivia, led today the second session of the Interministerial Committee for the Chilean Community Abroad, whose objective was to give continuity to the meeting held last June, which established a joint work plan for the crisis in Venezuela and how it affects the Chilean resident community.

The authority explained that "the vulnerable situation of a group of compatriots in that country, made the government have a plane of the Air Force to bring back 99 people. For this reason, today we meet to accompany and support them in their return and also their families because, as President Piñera said, we are going to continue to be concerned about them, so that they can fully integrate into our country".

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The Committee will advise the Ministries and will coordinate public policies aimed at resolving instruments to integrate them into programs that allow them to achieve progressive self-sufficiency, such as access to the Rental Subsidy program and later to Housing Subsidies, to the National Health Fund (FONASA), recognition of University Degrees, schooling of their children, and their placement in educational establishments and training programs and job exchanges, among others.

The Interministerial Committee is made up of the undersecretaries of the Interior, Finance, Segpres, Segegob, Economy, Social Development, Social Services, Childhood, Education, Nursery Education, Justice, Human Rights, Labor, Social Welfare, Welfare Networks, Public Health, and Housing.