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Undersecretary Silva leads Political Consultations with Czech Republic

The Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs, Alfonso Silva, presided today, in Prague, together with the Secretary of State of the Czech Republic, Miroraslav Stasek, over the VII Meeting of Political Consultations between Chile and that country.

The main topics of the bilateral agenda were discussed, emphasizing the success achieved in the areas of defence, cultural cooperation, diplomatic academies, implementation of the Vacation and Work Visa Program and the reciprocal support that both Ministries of Foreign Affairs have given to international candidacies.

The opportunity was also taken to address regional and global policy issues.

The meeting allowed for a fluid exchange of ideas reflecting the areas of convergence of foreign policy in both states.

They also discussed the process of modernisation of the Chile-European Union Association Agreement and the issues on which there are great similarities and those which need to be studied in greater depth.