Undersecretary (S), Ambassador Patricio Torres, speaks at the Seminar on International Dissemination held in Punta Arenas
In order to publicize the work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the extreme areas of the country, the Ministry held the international dissemination seminar "Region of Magallanes: Natural Laboratories and Chilean Antarctica", an activity organized by the Regional Coordination Directorate (DICORE); the Regional Unit for International Affairs of the Regional Government of Magallanes; and the Ministerial Delegate for Foreign Affairs in the Region.
On Friday, November 9, Punta Arenas was the scene of this conversation, which was attended by Regional Ministerial Secretaries, Regional Councillors, Service Directors, public officials, academics, representatives of the Army and Navy, and the private sector of the Region.
The seminar was inaugurated by the Regional Intendant María Teresa Castañón; and the Director of DICORE, Ambassador Konrad Paulsen and counted with the participation of the Undersecretary (S), Ambassador Patricio Torres, who developed the exposition "Objectives and Priorities of the Foreign Policy of Chile".
The day continued with the presentations: "Natural Laboratories: an opportunity to position Chile in the global networks of Research, Innovation and Development", Ambassador Gabriel Rodríguez, Director of Energy, Science and Technology and Innovation (DECYTI); and, "National Antarctic Policy and Antarctic Strategic Plan: an opportunity for the Magellan Region", Minister Counsellor Camilo Sanhueza, Director of Antarctica (DIRANTÁRTICA); and Mr. Marcelo Leppe, Director of the Chilean Antarctic Institute (INACH).
Within the framework of this international dissemination seminar, Ambassador Patricio Torres and the Foreign Ministry delegation developed a complementary program of activities that included a visit to the Antarctic Institute of Chile and the "Ambassador Jorge Berguño" Antarctic Laboratories, where the Director, Mr. Marcelo Leppe, explained in detail the main scope of the work developed by the Institution and the contribution that constitutes its work to world scientific development, today at the forefront of Antarctic and sub-Antarctic studies.
The activities concluded with a visit to the technological company "MEB Patagonia Digital SpA", an undertaking in the field of robotic digitalization and document storage, an initiative supported internationally by the Regional Direction of ProChile Magallanes.