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President Piñera appoints Chilean Ambassador to the United States

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Ampuero, informed that the President of the Republic, Sebastián Piñera, has appointed Alfonso Silva Navarro as Chilean Ambassador to the United States, who has already received the respective approval.

The ambassador is a graduate of the Universidad de Chile Law School. He holds diplomas from the Andrés Bello Diplomatic Academy, "Diplomate in the Formulation of U.S. Foreign Policy and the Role of Power Groups," the School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University and a Diplomate in "Relations with the Soviet Union and U.S. Policy toward Latin America" at Georgetown University.

In the Ministry of Foreign Affairs he has held the following positions: Secretary in the Cultural Directorate, Head of Department of the North American Directorate, Chief of Cabinet of the Director General of Political Affairs, Chief of Cabinet of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Deputy Director of the Asia-Pacific Directorate, Deputy Director for South America and MERCOSUR, Director General of Foreign Policy, and Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs.

Abroad, he has served as Secretary at the Embassy of Chile in the United States of America, Counsellor at the Embassy of Chile in the United States of America, Counsellor at the Embassy of Chile in Brazil, Minister Counsellor at the Embassy of Chile in South Africa, Consul General in Barcelona, Delegate to the Latin American Integration Association in Montevideo, Uruguay, Ambassador of Chile in Jamaica and Concurrent in Antigua and Barbuda, the Commonwealth of Dominica, Cooperative Republic of Guyana, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Kilt's and Nevis, Grenada, Saint Lucia. He has been Permanent Representative to the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and Permanent Representative to the International Maritime Land Authority, Ambassador of Chile to India and Ambassador of Chile to Canada.

Currently, Ambassador Alfonso Silva serves as Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs and as Co Agent of Chile in the case brought by Bolivia on the Obligation to Negotiate Access to the Sea before the International Court of Justice in The Hague.