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Ministry of Foreign Affairs removes consuls in Cordoba and Dublin from office

Monday, December 17, 2018

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Ampuero, has instructed the immediate separation of his functions from the consuls of Chile in Cordoba and Dublin, Frank Sinclair and Gustavo Cantuarias, respectively.

Both officials are the object of investigation in a summary ordered last week by this Ministry. This, after the Public Ministry informed that both officials will be formalized soon, a situation of which they were duly notified by this Secretariat of State.

In this context, Consuls Sinclair and Cantuarias have also been appointed, which means that they will return to Chile and will therefore cease to hold their current positions abroad. This measure does not prejudge the results of the judicial process, nor of the administrative summary initiated last week.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reaffirms its total rejection of any situation or irregular conduct, especially in the case of our consulates abroad, whose primary task is to assist Chilean citizens.