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Minister Ampuero travels to Buenos Aires to attend the G20 Foreign Ministers meeting and meets with his Chinese counterpart

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Foreign Minister Roberto Ampuero traveled today to Buenos Aires to participate in the G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting, an international forum for economic, financial and political cooperation that brings together the 20 main world powers that are addressing the major global challenges with the aim of generating public policies to resolve them. The Secretary of State took part in a working dinner today and will participate in the plenary session tomorrow.

Chile was invited by Argentina to participate in the meetings of the forum. This responds to a clear recognition of the international position that the country has played in terms of its leadership in international areas and processes of global significance and importance.

"It is a great recognition for Chile that we are invited to this forum where the 20 main countries of the world meet to listen to us. It is an invitation that all Chileans should be proud of" Minister Ampuero said today.

The Chancellor stressed that the invitation is because "the country has done well". In that sense, he said, "We have integrated well into the world, we have 26 free trade agreements and, at the same time, we have a democratic process, with institutions that work and we are integrated into the world, we have modernised and we have made great strides in the fight against poverty. They want to know our experience; they want us to talk about what we have built".

The G20 includes the European Union and 19 industrialised and emerging countries: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, South Korea, the United Kingdom and the United States. These countries account for 85% of global gross product, two-thirds of the world's population, 75% of international trade and 80% of global investment.

Bilateral meeting with China

In the framework of the G20 Foreign Ministers' meeting, Chancellor Ampuero held a bilateral meeting today with his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi. "It has been a very intense, very productive meeting," said the Minister.

Among the topics discussed was the invitation from the Chinese Presidency to the President of the Republic, Sebastián Piñera, to visit the country. "Both sides will now work on the most suitable date for His Excellency to visit China," he said.

The Secretary of State reported that Chile invited China to invest in the context of the "Strip and Route" initiative, which aims to increase connections between countries and regions. "We proposed that China gives a clear signal that it is interested in increasing its presence in Latin America," said the head of Chilean diplomacy.

The Minister added that "China expressed its interest in the construction or progress of a high-speed train between Valparaiso, Santiago and San Antonio. He also expressed his interest in building a submarine fiber optic cable from Chile to Asia".