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Minister Ampuero participated in III Forum for the Future in Spanish in Chile

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Ampuero, took part in the "III Foro Futuro en Español en Chile" (Forum for the Future in Spanish in Chile), an initiative organised by the Spanish media group Vocento, whose aim is to promote meetings and collaboration between Spanish and Latin American companies and institutions around the common language.

The Foreign Minister took part in a panel entitled "Spain and Chile in the current international context" with Senator José Miguel Insulza; the Spanish Ambassador to Chile, Carlos Robles Fraga; and the Director of the El Mercurio newspaper, Cristián Zegers, who acted as moderator.

During his speech, the Minister stressed that both countries share profound and essential similarities. "They have allowed us to act together in defense of democracy, the rule of law, human rights, international law and, especially, within the borders of our Latin American community," he said.

The Secretary of State assessed that "Spain is the second country with the highest investment in Chile. Our commercial exchange represents almost a fifth of all that we maintain as a country with the European Union".

He also stressed that the relationship between the two countries "is written, thought and spoken in Spanish". In this sense, he said that "our language is not only in a permanent process of renewal and the growing incorporation of new ways of naming, but also in a truly striking process of expansion".

"We are legatees of the same language, a living language, a way of looking at the world, which enriches it and also gives it new meaning. We are memory and we are also, through this language, prospective, future and dreams", he concluded.