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Foreign Minister Ampuero highlights integration of Chile and Argentina at the end of the IX Binational Meeting of Ministers

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

A very positive evaluation of the IX Binational Meeting of Ministers Chile-Argentina was made by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Ampuero, at the end of the meeting held yesterday and today and attended by authorities from both countries, including Ministers of State, Argentine Governors and Chilean Mayors.

The Secretary of State assured that "this mechanism of meetings constitutes the basis on which Argentina and Chile coordinate and intensify their progress in areas of common interest, reflecting the dynamic and fluid relationship between the two countries and also establishing itself as a powerful signal of the process of greater and better integration to which we are all committed".

The working groups focused on six areas: Infrastructure, Border Facilitation and Connectivity for Integration; Economic Integration for Development; Sustainable Management of the Environment and Natural Resources; Security and Defence for Integration; Cultural and Human Integration; and Cooperation for Human Development.

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"Today we can say with true conviction that cooperation and integration between Argentina and Chile is a permanent reality and in constant progress," he said. In addition, he stressed that "with prudence and intelligence, but also with great audacity, we have jointly explored new and varied areas of mutual understanding and benefit," he added.

He also noted that the relationship between the two countries faces new challenges. In this sense, he said that "we must consolidate the achievements made and set new goals, real objectives and also follow-up mechanisms, all of which are necessary to improve what we have achieved and what we aspire to".

He also called for "moving from common interests to a common future; to a shared tomorrow; to the projection of this integration process towards our region and the world; to turn the Southern Cone of America into a reference point for growth, freedom and social development at the global level".

The Binational Ministerial Meeting concluded with a signing ceremony of a series of agreements led by Foreign Minister Ampuero and his Argentine counterpart, Jorge Faurie.

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Agreements signed

1. Agreement between the Republic of Chile and the Republic of Argentina on Reciprocal Recognition of Tourist Visas Issued to Nationals of the People's Republic of China.

2. Agreement for the Recognition of Degrees and Certificates of Studies in Primary/Basic, Secondary/Middle and Higher Education -except for University students- between the Republic of Chile and the Argentine Republic. (Consensual)

3. Reversal Notes to establish the "Project for the Methodology and Coordination of the Closure and Reopening of the Cristo Redentor System Step".

4. Reversal Notes for the change of the name of the border crossing point 'Sin Nombre', to 'Minas - Ñuble'.

5. Declaration of Intent between the Ministries of Defence of Argentina and Chile on International Cooperation, Peace Operation and the Cruz del Sur Coordinated Force.

6. Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of the Interior and Public Security of the Republic of Chile and the Ministry of Security of the Argentine Republic on Cooperation in the Prevention and Investigation of the Crime of Human Trafficking.

7. Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Argentine Republic and the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Chile on Cooperation in Matters of Justice.

8. Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Argentine Republic and the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Chile on National Human Rights Plans.

9. Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Argentine Republic and the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Chile on Archives and Memory.

10. Memorandum of Understanding on Marine Biodiversity and Climate Change between the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Chile and the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of the Republic of Argentina.

11. Cooperation Agreement on Sports between the Ministry of Sports of the Republic of Chile and the Secretariat of Sports of the Republic of Argentina.

12. Executive Program of Cultural Cooperation between the Ministry of Cultures, Arts and Heritage of Chile and the Ministry of Culture of the Argentine Republic for the years 2019-2023.

Besides, they were signed in the morning:

1. Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Women and Gender Equality of the Republic of Chile and the National Institute for Women of the Republic of Argentina.

2. Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Economy, Development and Tourism of the Republic of Chile and the Ministry of Production of the Republic of Argentina on SMEs and Entrepreneurship.