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Foreign Minister Ampuero accompanies President Piñera at the XIII Summit of the Pacific Alliance

Tuesday, July 24, 2019

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Ampuero, accompanied today the President of the Republic, Sebastián Piñera, in the XIII Summit of the Pacific Alliance, which was held in the Mexican city of Puerto Vallarta and where the strategic vision for the future was discussed and mechanisms for greater participation were defined in this regional integration bloc made up of Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru.

The day was marked by the holding of a meeting of leaders of the Pacific Alliance and Mercosur. At the meeting, the Heads of State discussed the need to conclude a trade facilitation agreement, while addressing issues such as a digital agenda, inclusive trade and the mobility of people.

"I am very pleased with the agreement we have reached with the Mercosur countries and the Pacific Alliance, because it shows that we are moving from good intentions to concrete and real actions," said President Piñera.

Meanwhile, the Chancellor noted that "the Pacific Alliance is very advanced in all that is market opening and internal relations between its four members and integration also with other trade agreements. What it has to do now, what is being done with Mercosur, and Chile plays a bridging role in this, is to bring this position closer together".

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The head of Chilean diplomacy highlighted the role played by the Pacific Alliance in the region, assuring that "it is undoubtedly the most important and successful integration alliance in the history of Latin America" and called for "giving it a new lease of life", opening it up towards Asia and incorporating new members, such as Ecuador, which has expressed its interest in joining the mechanism as an associated state. "Until a couple of months ago, that was unthinkable. We also have the willingness and interest raised yesterday by South Korea and along with this we have the associated state candidates: Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Singapore," he said.

Within the framework of the summit, Minister Ampuero held a working meeting with the future Chancellor of Mexico, Marcelo Ebrard. Both authorities agreed that they will continue to deepen the traditional good relations between the two countries and reaffirmed their commitment to strengthen the role of the Pacific Alliance. "The Chancellor designate underlines that for the new government of Mexico, of course, the Pacific Alliance continues to be a very important integration articulation and therefore we are going to continue working", the Secretary of State emphasized.

"One element that we deeply share is that both countries, at this moment when there are protectionist voices, underscore that we absolutely believe in what is free trade, what is multilateralism," he added. They also pledged to promote the social dimension of the PA.

Today, Foreign Minister Ampuero also met with the future Mexican Secretary of Economy, Graciela Márquez, and accompanied President Piñera in the bilateral meetings he held with his peers from Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto, and from Brazil, Michel Temer.