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Foreign Minister after ruling of the International Court of Justice: "He has proved us right in a convincing way"

Monday, October 1, 2018

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Ampuero, accompanied this morning the President of the Republic, Sebastián Piñera, during the reading of the judgment of the International Court of Justice which determined, by 12 votes against 3, that Chile has no obligation to negotiate with Bolivia a sovereign outlet to the Pacific Ocean.

"What has become clear today is that the International Court of Justice has spoken, international law has been stated. As the President of the Republic has said very well, they have given us the reason in a forceful way", said the Minister, in the Palacio de La Moneda, after witnessing the judgment. "Chile respects judgements and conforms to international law, respects treaties and those it signs respect them," he added.

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"Chile has a policy of good neighborliness in the region and internationally. We are interested in having the best relations with all the countries in the world. That is why we are a country that has 26 Free Trade Agreements, which reach almost 90% of the world's GDP, we are respected, we participate and we are very active in multilateral politics and we work in this direction," said the Secretary of State. "If Bolivia wants to join in that sense, respecting the results of history, respecting the results of international law, respecting the treaties it has signed, all paths can be opened," he added.

The Secretary of State also pointed out that "in order for countries to understand each other, there must be a willingness to agree, to look for the points that unite us in order to advance together, because in the end it is about the people, the citizens, the Chileans and the Bolivians doing well", assuring that "Chile will always have the best disposition".

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The Minister also highlighted the national unity with which all sectors of the country faced the demand, thanking the former presidents, the former foreign ministers, the political parties and all Chileans for the result of the ruling. "We are celebrating that we were right, that international law assists us and that we did this in a climate of national unity. This is Chile, let's be proud of this great country," he said.

During the reading of the judgement, in addition to Foreign Minister Ampuero, President Piñera was also accompanied by the Interior Minister, Andrés Chadwick; Secretary General of Government, Cecilia Pérez; and Secretary General of the Presidency, Gonzalo Blumel. Also in attendance were the Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs, Carolina Valdivia; the President of the Senate, Carlos Montes; the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Maya Fernández; the President of the Supreme Court, Haroldo Brito; the National Director of State Border and Boundaries, Ximena Fuentes; Ambassador Alberto Van Klaveren, and parliamentarians from the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives Committee.