DIMA chairs meeting of the National Committee for Mountains

The Directorate for Environment and Ocean Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs chaired the general meeting of the National Committee for Mountains today. The objective of the meeting was to resume the work that has been carried out in recent years on the development of a public policy on the sustainable management of mountain ecosystems in Chile and an action plan for 2030.
The 15 government institutions that make up the Committee were enthusiastic about finalizing the policy process early. At the meeting, it was agreed to continue this intersectoral work in order to finalize the promulgation of this policy and the implementation of the action plan.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs appreciates this process, which is closely followed by the Mountain Partnership, a voluntary association sponsored by Switzerland, Italy and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), which promotes the sustainable development of the world's mountain ecosystems.
At the regional level, Chile is also the Regional Coordinator pro tempore of the Andean Mountain Initiative, a mechanism that brings together the countries that comprise the Andes Mountains and seeks to promote its sustainable use. In this instance, Chile has been chosen as the representative of the group, for its progress at the national level in implementing a holistic and inclusive public policy for the sustainable management of mountain ecosystems.
It is worth mentioning that the document in question was taken to citizen consultation through the Ministry of the Environment, with a high level of citizen participation, with more than 3000 observations, observed in 600 records. The comments were fully responded to on the portfolio's website, which is the Technical Secretariat of the National Committee for Mountains.
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