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Chile expresses its solidarity and support for Brazil after the fire at the National Museum in Rio de Janeiro

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

In the face of the tragic fire that almost completely destroyed the National Museum of Rio de Janeiro on Sunday, September 2, which brought together part of Brazil's cultural and scientific heritage and valuable unique pieces of the world heritage, the Government of Chile sends its most sincere solidarity and support to the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil and to Brazilian society as a whole.

This museum has been, and we hope will continue to be, a fundamental institution for promoting Brazil's cultural and economic progress, as conceived two hundred years ago. Its exhibits have served as a source of exchange and integration in our Latin America, which makes this tragedy also a tragedy for Chile.

In this context, Chile will study ways to support the continuity of its cultural and scientific task, which is why it has already arranged for all the duplicate digital information that may exist in our country on the literary contents of the National Museum of Rio de Janeiro to be made available to Brazil.