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Chile expresses concern at the violence that has occurred in the border area between Israel and the Gaza Strip

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The Government of Chile expresses its deep concern at the recent escalation of violence in the border area between Israel and the Gaza Strip, while strongly condemning any resort to force that indiscriminately affects the civilian populations of the parties.

The Government of Chile reiterates its continued calls for the resumption of the peace process, with the support of the international community, and for peaceful coexistence that will generate an atmosphere of dialogue between Israel and Palestine.

In that regard, the Government of Chile calls on the parties to respect the ceasefire in Gaza, which was laboriously achieved yesterday with the mediation of Egypt and the United Nations.

The Government of Chile will continue to support talks aimed at achieving a two-State solution that considers the right of the Palestinian people to become an independent State and, at the same time, guarantees Israel's right to exist in peace within secure and internationally recognized borders.