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Chile and Spain sign agreements on Investment, Cybersecurity and Mobility

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

A series of agreements were signed today by Chile and Spain after the meeting held by the presidents of both countries, Sebastián Piñera and Pedro Sánchez, in the Moncloa Palace, as part of the tour that the Chilean President, accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Ampuero, is carrying out in Europe.

The agreement on Cooperation in Cybersecurity Matters seeks to extend bilateral cooperation between Chile and Spain to this area and to promote the exchange of good practices in the application of national cybersecurity strategies and respective digital agendas, as well as in the knowledge of the situation, alertness and response to cybersecurity incidents.

An agreement was also signed between ICEX Spain Exports and Investments and the General Directorate of International Economic Relations of Chile, with the aim of strengthening relations between the two bodies, promoting economic cooperation and the development of commercial relations between Spanish and Chilean companies and encouraging collaboration in the internationalization of SMEs in both countries.

Finally, a declaration of intentions was signed in preparation for the start of negotiations with the aim of having a Work and Holiday Programme in the near future.

"Relations between Chile and Spain are relations between a country and its Motherland. We are very proud of the origin and the relationship we have with Spain," said President Piñera after the meeting with his Spanish counterpart.

"We have found in you, in Spain and in the Spanish people, a loyal friend and a sincere friend, and I am sure that we have to work together so that this splendid relationship between Spain and Chile can be raised to an even higher level and together we can write the best pages of this history of friendship and collaboration," he added.

That was the culmination of the second day of official activities in Europe, which included participation in a forum on investment, organized by the newspaper El País, and meetings with the King of Spain, Felipe VI; the Secretary of State for Trade, Xiana Méndez; the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Ana Pastor; the leader of the Popular Party, Pablo Casado; and members of the board of directors of the International Freedom Foundation.