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Chile and Brazil announce benefits of new trade agreement

Thursday, December 13, 2018

"Regional Integration, Trade Opportunities and Bilateral Investments" was the name of the seminar held at the headquarters of the Federation of Industries of Rio de Janeiro (FIRJAN) this week, which addressed the new Free Trade Agreement between the two countries, signed last November 21 at a ceremony in Santiago led by Presidents Sebastian Piñera and Michel Temer.

Among the speakers of the seminar were the Ambassador of Chile in Brazil, Fernando Schmidt; the Ambassador of Brazil in Chile, Carlos Duarte; the Director of the Department of Regional Economic Integration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil, Michel Arslanian and the Head of the Department of South America and Regional Integration Organizations of the Economic Directorate of the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Karina Cánepa.

The objective of the activity is to inform Brazilian businessmen and society in general about the scope of the new agreement, which seeks to modernize the commercial relationship between the two countries, through the incorporation of new disciplines such as Telecommunications, Electronic Commerce, Trade in Services, Environment, Gender, SMEs, Public Contracting, among others.

Thus, the different presentations highlighted the political boost given by Presidents Sebastián Piñera and Michel Temer to conclude the negotiation of the FTA in a short period of time, the fact that this was the largest bilateral trade agreement signed by Brazil, as well as the practical and innovative measures included in the text to promote regional integration.