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Chancellor Ampuero ratifies visit of President of Colombia and supports position to resume dialogue with ELN

Thursday, November 8, 2018

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Ampuero, and his Colombian counterpart, Carlos Holmes Trujillo, presided over the IV Meeting of the Commission on Political and Social Affairs between the two countries. At the meeting, which took place in the offices of the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the authorities reviewed the most important issues on the bilateral agenda and highlighted the excellent level of relations.

Later, in a press conference with both foreign ministers, Minister Ampuero confirmed the visit to be made in March 2019 by the President of Colombia, Iván Duque, in response to an invitation extended by President Piñera.

He also expressed Chile's support for President Duque's position to resume dialogue with the National Liberation Army. "Another point that I would like to add to this rich agenda that we have agreed on today is the support given by the Government of Chile, through President Sebastián Piñera, to the leadership of President Iván Duque, with regard to the negotiations with the National Liberation Army, ELN, where President Duque demands that, in order for these negotiations to take place, all the hostages be released and at the same time, a verified cessation of violence," said Foreign Minister Ampuero.

The head of the Chilean diplomacy also explained that the meeting agreed to hold the third meeting of the Strategic Association Council. They also agreed to initiate the Cooperation in Cyber Defense agreed by both Ministries of Defense.

Another point raised was the relaunch of the Business Council between the two countries, which was created in 2012. "We are going to relaunch it, we are going to revitalize it," he said. In addition, they agreed to revitalize and renew the extradition treaty that exists between the two countries, which dates back to 1914, and to develop a program of work, of collaboration, with respect to the issue of the fight against corruption.

Finally, according to the Minister, they discussed "the reactivation and coordination of efforts to give greater dynamism to the Pacific Alliance within the framework of its member countries".

"I would like to express our satisfaction with the progress we have made in these conversations. We believe that we have also made progress because there is a very fine harmony between our two countries, between the two Presidents of the Republic and also between both Foreign Ministers," concluded the Secretary of State.

Before the meeting between the two ministers held at the Chilean Foreign Ministry, Minister Ampuero and his Colombian counterpart attended a meeting with the President of the Republic, Sebastián Piñera, in La Moneda.

In this regard, Foreign Minister Holmes Trujillo expressed his "gratitude on behalf of President Duque and on behalf of the government of Colombia for your hospitality, dear Foreign Minister, and for the hospitality with which President Piñera has distinguished me".

"We are witnessing a relationship that is progressing in the strengthening process and that will continue to materialize as a result of a forthcoming visit to Colombia by President Piñera, to whom I conveyed the invitation extended to him by President Iván Duque," added Minister Holmes Trujillo.