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Chancellor Ampuero met with U.S. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo

Friday, 12 April 2019

"Our bilateral relationship is going through one of its best moments, as reaffirmed by the visit of the Secretary of State and the varied agenda we have, based on a shared vision of prosperity, growth and mutual understanding on future issues. With these words, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Ampuero, referred to the meeting he held today with his American counterpart, Michael Pompeo, who is on an official visit to Chile.

In the working meeting, held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and described as "fruitful" by the head of Chilean diplomacy, the authorities addressed various issues, including bilateral, regional and global issues. In this regard, Foreign Minister Ampuero stated that "for Chile, the relationship with the United States is a priority. We are longstanding friends and strategic partners. Our friendship is based on shared values and principles such as democracy, the rule of law, respect for human rights and the value of freedom.

The Minister recalled that to deepen high-level meetings, President Sebastián Piñera extended an invitation to President Donald Trump to make an official visit to Chile, within the framework of the APEC Summit, to held in November.

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"For Chile, it is very important that a strategic partner accompany us at the Summit to help us promote the APEC agenda, in which Chile is promoting future issues such as services and the digital economy; connectivity; women and economic growth, issues in which we believe Chile and the United States share a common vision," he said.

The Minister also pointed out that the United States is a crucial partner for Chile in several areas. "It is in our interest to promote and deepen cooperation on emerging issues, which are related to the areas of cybersecurity, climate change, women's economic empowerment, the digital revolution, scientific-technological cooperation, innovation, and entrepreneurship, among many other issues," he said.
"In Chile, the United States continues to be the main investor and partner in scientific, technological and innovation development. It is a significant cooperation relationship that we want to strengthen because it is mutually beneficial," he added.

At the regional level, one of the issues addressed was the political, economic and humanitarian crisis in Venezuela. "Chile's position is clear: in the face of this crisis, we do not hesitate to condemn the dictatorship and defend democracy and fundamental rights, by the principles of our foreign policy," he said. "Chile actively encourages the search for a peaceful solution to the crisis and the return to democracy in Venezuela, through free, transparent elections that conform to international standards," he added.

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In this sense, he pointed out that "the United States has been an important actor in reinforcing diplomatic pressure. We have many points in common, such as the shared objective of the return to democracy in Venezuela, that the Venezuelan people should be able to express their genuine democratic will.

Finally, Foreign Minister Ampuero highlighted that during his meeting with the Secretary of State, he informed him about the recent creation of the South American Integration Forum (PROSUR) and "how Chile has sought, under the leadership of President Piñera, to contribute to putting an end to almost five years of paralysis of dialogue and integration in South America.

Before the working meeting, Foreign Minister Ampuero participated in the meeting that the President of the Republic, Sebastián Piñera, held with Secretary of State Michael Pompeo in La Moneda. The meeting addressed the crisis in Venezuela, the deepening of trade and investment, and cooperation in science, energy, and cybersecurity, among other issues.