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Agent Ximena Fuentes attends meeting in The Hague on the Silala case and says Chile is ready for the next stage

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Today, Chile's defense team in the Silala case, led by agent Ximena Fuentes, arrived at the International Court of Justice in The Hague to hold a working meeting with the president of the Court, Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf, and the Bolivian delegation.

The objective of the meeting, summoned by the Court, was to listen to both countries in order to define the next stages of the procedure in the Silala case.

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At the conclusion of the appointment, Agent Fuentes stated: "Whatever the Court's decision, whether it signals to the parties that they should have a second round of written pleadings, or that the case is already in a position to proceed to oral pleadings, or whether it signals to Chile that it is necessary to have a written response to Bolivia's counterclaim, any of the scenarios, Chile is prepared to face it, because we know that in any of those scenarios we will be able to present our case".

The Agent added that "we explained very well in our Memorial all our historical antecedents and also the scientific antecedents to prove to the Court that the river Silala is a transboundary river that crosses naturally from Bolivia to Chile and that therefore both riparians have the right to a reasonable and equitable use of this river".