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Chilean government condemns the use of violence against citizens in Nicaragua and urges the resumption of dialogue

Saturday, July 14, 2018

In view of the serious events that have affected Nicaragua since April 18th and which have now lasted for more than ten weeks, with more than three hundred dead and thousands injured to date, the Chilean Government expresses great concern about these events and the lack of concrete progress, therefore it calls on the Government of Nicaragua to resume the path of inclusive dialogue and the immediate cessation of social violence, especially repression by State agencies and vigilante groups against the mobilized population, such as the regrettable events that took place yesterday at the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua - Managua (UNAN).

Chile urges the Government of Nicaragua to resume the mechanisms of dialogue and rapprochement and the search for ways towards peace and reconciliation, respect for human rights, the strengthening of democracy and the necessary social coexistence, as proposed by various international bodies, such as the Organization of American States and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, whose 15 recommendations should be implemented as soon as possible, in order to give credibility to the process of political and social normalization.

The Government of Chile condemned the use of violence and repression against the citizens of Nicaragua and supported the efforts of the Nicaraguan Episcopal Conference as guarantors of the process, offering its condolences to the families of the victims of the conflict.

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