Chancellor Ampuero in the event "Ask About Chile: "We want the world to know our talent"

Within the framework of the first entrepreneurial summit, ProChile Innovation Summit, held in Miami, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Ampuero, participated in the event "Ask About Chile, a World of Services", organized by Imagen de Chile.
This meeting is an instance of "networking" where referents of that market met prominent Chilean entrepreneurs who are succeeding abroad, so as to generate networks and connect with Chile.
"We want the world to know our talent, our creative strength and our ability to seek innovative solutions," said Chancellor Ampuero during the activity.
Among the companies with presence in the event stand out: Crystal Lagoons, and its large fireworks lagoons; Solubag, which produces bags that dissolve in water; Levita Magnetics, a magnetic surgery mechanism catalogued as one of the most innovative in the world; AOne Games, a video game studio that created the most awaited product 2018 for the Play Station console; and Motion Displays, a software that improves the productivity of retail sales forces.
"I want to congratulate them and tell them that the Government of Chile and the Chileans admire them, celebrate them and recognize them for what they have done and want them to do very well. And to the extent that we can help them we will do so," the Minister pointed out.
Miami is recognized as the great gateway to North America, but it was also the main destination for our exports to the United States in 2017, with shipments exceeding US$2.6 billion.
Previously, Foreign Minister Ampuero, along with Chilean entrepreneurs participating in the summit, visited the "500 startups" accelerator, which seeks to discover and support the world's most talented entrepreneurs and help them create successful businesses.
Also today, the Secretary of State held a meeting with the Mayor of Miami, Carlos Gimenez.
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