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Joint Statement on the Official Visit to Chile of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Colombia

Thursday, November 8, 2018

The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Chile and Colombia met today in Santiago on the occasion of the IV Meeting of the Committee on Political and Social Affairs.

In this framework, both authorities reviewed the most substantive issues on the bilateral agenda, noting the high political harmony and the excellent level of relations between the two countries.

Indeed, it was confirmed that President Iván Duque will visit Chile on March 21, 2019, during which the III Meeting of the Strategic Partnership Council, the body that articulates the bilateral agenda, will be held.

Likewise, the broad similarities and common visions existing in regional issues were noted with satisfaction, particularly with regard to the Pacific Alliance and the Lima Group.

In the economic-commercial sphere, both Ministers highlighted the will of Chile and Colombia to continue advancing in the issues that fall under the competence of the Free Trade Administrative Commission, agreeing in turn on the next relaunch of the Binational Business Council.

It is also interesting to note that Chile officially joined both the United Nations Multi-Donor Fund and the European Union Trust Fund, international cooperation bodies very relevant to the post-conflict process in Colombia.

Finally, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs announced that both Governments are negotiating the signing of agreements on extradition, the transfer of convicted persons and the cooperation between the respective Diplomatic Academies.

Santiago, Chile, November 08, 2018.