Aiming to help Chileans with what they should consider when traveling abroad, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs launched the initiative, "Chile goes with you" ("Chile va contigo"), which is a website with the purpose of keeping our compatriots informed, and helping them and their families to have a safe trip.
The increase in trips abroad, whether for tourism, study or business, has meant an increase in demand for services from the 289 Chilean Consulates around the world, so it is vital to convey the importance of prevention and self-care.
The figures show that 4.5 million Chileans travel abroad each year. In this regard, Foreign Minister Heraldo Muñoz, who launched this new platform this morning said that, "in presenting this website, we are reflecting the demand for international travel and consular services, and aiding our travelers and Chileans living abroad to approach our worldwide consulates, understanding that we have responsibilities to them, whether in Chile or outside."
To carry out this project, the Foreign Ministry coordinated with various organizations devoted to this subject, including the Insurance Association of Chile A.G. (AACH); the Chilean Association of Tourism (ACHET); the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the National Trade Union Federation of Rural, Intercity, Interregional and International Bus Transportation of Chile (FENABUS); Santiago International Airport (SCL) and the Investigations Police of Chile (PDI).
On the home page, the portal ( has a search tool for the entire consular network of Chile abroad, the services the user may request and those things that the Consulate cannot do.
The site will include recommendations such as checking the validity of passport requirements to enter the country of destination, which document are needed for the travel of minors, the importance of having health insurance, and vaccine requirements, among others.
In addition, the site will feature a voluntary registration for travelers, which is an invaluable tool to be able to locate and assist Chilean citizens in the case of natural disasters.