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Friday, April 7, 2017 
Foreign Minister of Chile along with Foreign Minister of Argentina, led a reunion of Ministers from the Pacific Alliance and Mercosur
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The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Heraldo Muñoz, in the company of his peer from Argentina, Susana Malcorra, led a reunion of Foreign Ministers and Trade Ministers from the Pacific Alliance and Mercosur. Both ministers have the Pro Tempore Presidency of the respective blocks.

The meeting was held at the San Martín Palace, the Argentinean Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Ministers analysed the roadmap of a possible convergence framework, and also revised the situation and perspectives of the regional integration agenda. Similarly, they addressed the state of the sub regional mechanisms and the multilateral and international agenda.

"This is an important milestone in the Latin American integration because we have committed to continue advancing in topics of common interest for both integration schemes in a moment in which international uncertainty reigns and protectionist, nationalist, and even xenophobic pressures are observed", stated Minister Muñoz.

The Secretary of State highlighted that "we are giving a signal of support to multilateralism, to an open system of trade underpinned on rules as we have already said. Also, we have committed to working together in a roadmap so our respective coordinators can work too". In this sense, he affirmed that there are some concrete actions that will take place, including the Seminar on Pacific Alliance Mercosur regional integration, held in Buenos Aires at the end of each first semester of this year.

"This are concrete facts. And there is a qualitative jump" added Minister Muñoz, along with highlighting "the regional scene has changed for the better. Today we are in tune to advance considerably on this roadmap. We are satisfied with what has been done and now it is time to do and respond to expectations".