Thursday, June 27, 2013 
Foreign Ministers of Chile and Colombia meet in Santiago
Comparte :

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The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Alfredo Moreno, met with his Colombian counterpart, María Ángela Holguín, who is on an official visit to our country. During the day, the two foreign ministers chaired the First Council of the Chile-Colombia Strategic Association, an occasion in which they signed a “Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the Prevention and Control of Human Trafficking and Illicit Smuggling of Migrants.”

“Colombia is one of the closest friends of our country and one of our closest allies in various subjects. In economic terms, for example, trade between the two countries reaches today nearly US $3, 000 million per year. In addition, it should be noted that last year Chile invested in Colombia over US $5, 000 million, amounting to 40 percent of the total investment made in that country,” said the Minister.

On the other hand, he highlighted the progress made in the Pacific Alliance as the “most important integration mechanism we have in economic development. He then added: “We are making great headway and doing things that would have been unthinkable, such as a Common Embassy in Africa.” 

Similarly, Foreign Minister Holguín underlined the companion role that Chile has played in the peace process between the Government of Colombia and FARC. “We have a deep appreciation for that commitment and confidence in our country, we appreciate the efforts made by Ambassador Milenko Skoknic through his ongoing presence when he is required in Havana,” she said.

The Colombian foreign minister’s visit takes place in the context of compliance with the Strategic Partnership Agreement (EPA), signed in August 2011 between Chile and Colombia. This forum for consensus and dialogue has four commissions established as executive bodies on Social Affairs, Cooperation, the Free Trade Agreement and Cultural Affairs.

 The “Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the Prevention and Control of Human Trafficking and Illicit Smuggling of Migrants” will allow the two countries to exchange experiences regarding the implementation of legal provisions, inter-sectoral coordination, crime prevention and control, the establishment of training programs and the creation of effective mechanisms for judicial cooperation to assist and protect victims. To this end, the agreement establishes national contact points for the exchange of information and to monitor and asses the progress made and possible problems in the implementation of the agreement in the future. Currently, there are nearly 27 thousand Colombian migrants living in Chile, while the Chilean community in Colombia is estimated at three thousand five hundred people.  

Imagen foto_00000004As part of her visit to our country, Foreign Minister Holguín was awarded with the Order of Merit of Chile, in the grade of Grand Cross. This is Chile’s oldest decoration and was established by Liberator Bernardo O’Higgins as the highest honor that the Republic of Chile grants to foreign citizens.

Later, the two foreign ministers were received by President Sebastián Piñera. The meeting held at La Moneda Palace   was also attended by the Ambassador of Colombia to Chile, Santiago Figueroa, and of Chile to Bogota, Gustavo Ayares.