Directorate for the Environment and Maritime Affairs
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The Directorate for the Environment, Antarctica and Maritime Affairs is responsible for coordinating Chile's position in international fora, which discuss issues of its competence by looking for the harmonization of the interests of the various national key players with the commitments that Chile has made at an international level, within a framework of cooperation and respect for international law.

Through its participation in various national committees, DIMA ensures compliance with the international commitments made by Chile in matters falling within its competence.

It administrates management agreements and coordinates the activities undertaken in the framework of bilateral and multilateral instruments that have a bearing on environmental, Antarctic, or maritime issues.


Activities of the Directorate

The Directorate for the Environment and Maritime Affairs is divided into four Departments:

Environment DepartmentNatural Resources DepartmentClimate Change and Sustainable Development DepartmentMaritime Affairs Department


These departments carry out the following activities:

Create the basic guidelines of the foreign policy in the area falling into its competence.Coordinate at the level of national key players the country's position on the issues of its competence at international meetings of a bilateral and multilateral nature.Collect the information that must be sent to international organizations.Participate in the negotiations of environmental, Antarctic and maritime agreements that are signed with countries and international and environmental organizations.Encourage the participation of experts in specialized fora and report and promote technical cooperation involving environmental, Antarctic and maritime issues.Manage the agreements on environmental cooperation signed under the free trade agreement with the U.S. and the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement (P4).



José Luis Balmaceda Serigos


Head of the Directorate for the Environment and Maritime affairs

Email:  [email protected]


Walemar Coutts


Assistant Director of Environment and Maritime Affairs

Email: [email protected]


Address: Teatinos 180, Santiago

Phone:  56 (2) 827 4375 - 4373 - 4394 – 4383

Fax: 56 (2) 380 1759 - 1655